Rajasthan temples Tour

Temples can be found in all parts of the state but the most famous ones are of Rajasthan have a beautiful jurney with us.Our mission is to provide Quality and excellence to our customers promptly and exclusively. All the specialists at Sumit Tour & Travels are leaders of their trade and each brings with him/her a unique set of experience adding value to the traveler's overall experience of the country.

करणी माता मन्दिर
( देशनोक-बीकानेर )
खाटू-श्याम जी मन्दिर
( रींगस )
सालासर बालाजी मन्दिर
( सुजानगढ़ )
ब्रह्मा मन्दिर
( पुष्कर )
ओम बन्ना मन्दिर
( पाली-जोधपुर )
इच्छापूर्ण बालाजी मन्दिर
( सरदारशहर )
बाबा रामदेव मन्दिर
( रामदेवरा-जैसलमेर )
तनोट माता मन्दिर
( तनोट-जैसलमेर )
रानी सती मन्दिर
( झुंझुनू )
बिरला मन्दिर
( जयपुर )
एकलिंग नाथ मन्दिर
( उदयपुर )
सांवलिया सेठ मन्दिर
( चित्तौड़गढ़-उदयपुर )